Friday, April 12, 2013

Exam Time!

Hello all,
As many of you may know, and may be in the same situation, it is exam time. That wonderful time of the year where courses are coming to an end, and you are bombarded with one exam after another.
Although it might seem overwhelming, frustrating, stressful, and tiring, it will all be over soon.
From one student to another, I'd like to share a few tips that I use when preparing for finals.
#1. Take breaks!
Most people tend to study all day long, thinking they will cram in as much as they can. This does NOT work, and in fact, will actually make you retain less information. It is important to set aside "break times", where you can get up, walk around, and maybe get something to eat.
#2. If one isn't given, create an exam review
Occasionally, if you have an incredibly nice professor, you will get an exam review. However, most professors do not do this, or offer very limited help. Therefore, it is beneficial for you to go over your notes, and highlight areas where you spent a lot of time, or important topics. These are not the ONLY things to study, but it helps to create a framework of where to allocate the majority of your studying efforts.
#3. Make a study group
When studying for an exam, it definitely appears to be easier to isolate yourself. That way you can focus on what you want, no one will bother you, and you can study for as long as you want. However, it helps to study with others, even if it's only for a little while. Set aside say two hours to study with a group of people from that class. This allows you to share ideas with other people, and brainstorm possible questions that will appear on the exam. Plus, it will give you a chance to interact with other people instead of isolated yourself during a stressful time.
#4. Relax!
Lastly, try to relax. I know this step is easier said than done, but it's important to both your mark and your health. Exam time can be extremely stressful, and this can have a negative effect on your body. Although it is hard to relax during such a high stress time, make the effort. Find what helps you relax. Maybe it's music, or food, or animals. Whatever it is, try to incorporate it into your study routine, or your break time. This will both help you focus, and help you from not experiencing anxiety attacks, or worse.
I hope these tips help you during this awful time.
Best of luck to everyone writing exams!