Monday, August 19, 2013

How to: Balance school and staying healthy!

Hey everyone!
As we're getting closer and closer to the start of the school year (I can hardly believe how fast the summer went), the idea of how you're going to maintain your healthy routine is daunting. Once school starts, it's back to normal...which means homework, studying, and the works. This constant busy lifestyle will definitely impact the time that you will have to workout, or even to prepare healthy meals and snacks for yourself! That doesn't mean we should give up though!

I decided to piece together some ideas for how to maintain a balance between your school life, and your healthy, active life. 

Number one: Make a plan! 
You might already have a basic plan set out for yourself of what you eat or do. However, when school starts, you won't have time to go to the gym at 1pm...because you'll be in class. So it's extremely important to look at how much time you have in a day, and make a realistic schedule of when you can workout, even for 30-45 minutes. Then, make yourself an actual schedule...when you will workout each day, so that you can't make excuses that you don't have any time, or you forgot. 
Going hand in hand with a schedule, is also your food plan. This might seem kind of silly to some of you, but planning out your meals and snacks for the week, or even day to day, can help dramatically...and actually cut down on the time it takes you to get ready in the morning. If you make lunches ahead of time, or at least plan them, you won't be running around frantically in the morning! 

Speaking of the morning, Number two: EAT BREAKFAST! 
I feel like I'm harping on the same drum as nearly everyone else, but breakfast is SO important to not only your health, but your concentration and focus as well. Thinking that you will save yourself some time, or some calories, by skipping breakfast is a huge mistake. Even if you only have some oatmeal, or fruit, it is better than nothing. Again, you can plan this ahead! If you know what you're going to have for breakfast, you can simply go to the cupboards or fridge, pull it out, and you're done!

Number three: Make your lunch filling
Nothing is worse than eating a lunch, and then 30 minutes later, you're hungry again! Try and pack foods that are high in protein, sandwiches are a good choice, with some meat on them. Also pack some veggies or fruit to pair with your lunch, that way you have a snack, and can pack in some antioxidants (go for berries!). With a good, protein-rich lunch, you don't have to worry about having the rumbles at 1:30! 

Lastly, Number four: always pack healthy, nutritious snacks!
Duh, that seems fairly obvious right! Even if you don't eat them, it's better to have those healthy snacks with you, just in case. If you do get hungry for a snack in the afternoon, it's much better for you to reach for a pack of grapes, or a granola bar, than to go to the vending machine and get a bag of chips! If you know you have those snacks with you, you can train yourself to not eat the garbage that you will see (sometimes even from your friends, which makes it tough!)

Anyways, I hope that this helped you guys a little bit when thinking about being healthy in your back to school time! One more important tip, don't push it. School is stressful enough as it is, so you don't need to add any extra pressure to your life. If you can't make a workout that day, don't drive yourself crazy! You can make it up to yourself.

Get excited & be healthy!


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